Saturday, August 6, 2016

Update: YWAM Ozarks

The Short Version: 

I am moving to Arkansas in September to teach the Bible.

The Long Version:

Since finishing at Ball State and getting my B.A. in Business Administration, I have been working full-time in the Logistics department at Frank Miller Lumber Company.  It’s been fun putting into practice some of what I learned during my time at college.  I will be working there through mid-August, organizing when trucks and containers move our products anywhere from down the street in Union City, Indiana to various overseas locations.  It’s been an amazing experience so far, and I’m very grateful for the opportunity to work there.

For the past few years, I’ve been partnering on and off with a missionary training organization called YWAM (Youth With A Mission).  I’ve been given amazing opportunities to travel to Taiwan for a summer, live in Brazil for 2 months, and study the Bible for an entire school year.  Every experience I’ve had with YWAM has been a blessing, and I’ve been anxious to get plugged in with them again.  

After doing many different schools within YWAM, I hoped to eventually join YWAM in a leadership role as a staff member.  After thinking it over, long conversations, and lots of prayer, I have decided to join staff at YWAM Ozarks in Ozark, Arkansas.  Staffing at YWAM Ozarks will involve teaching in the School of Biblical Studies (SBS), which is a 9-month Bible course taking students through the inductive method.  SBS was where I was able to study the Bible for an entire school year, and I loved my experience there.  Hearing God’s Word taught is powerful, but being able to discover God’s truths from personal study is indescribable.  God changes lives through this school, and I’m incredibly blessed to have the chance to teach in it.

From a logistical standpoint, let me explain my understanding of what my role will look like when I join staff at YWAM Ozarks.  I will be one of 6-9 teachers in the SBS.  Each teacher is assigned books of the Bible that they will teach.  I personally won’t be teaching the entire Bible; I’ll be given a share of the books to teach.  I don’t know which ones they will be at this point, but I’m eager to find out what I’ll be teaching!

Something amazing about YWAM is that they do their best to make everything as affordable as possible for the students.  Students are paying for housing and food for the allotted time they are on the YWAM campus, and that’s it.  Because of this, all staff are required to raise support.  Student tuition isn’t paying for staff fees.  The lower the cost for students, the more students have the ability to afford doing a YWAM school.  

Because of this, I am asking for financial support.  My commitment to YWAM Ozarks starts in September and will last 2 years, which will allow me to teach in 2 SBS's.  I'm currently working full-time and saving what I can, but I cannot do it alone.  With your support, I'll be paying for housing, food, gas, teaching supplies, etc.  If you feel led to give a one-time gift, or to become a monthly supporter, awesome!  There is a DONATE NOW button on the top right of this web page that will allow you to contribute, you can send a check to 7119 Mountain View Dr, Ozark, AR 72949 made out to YWAM with a note saying it's for me, or email me ( and we'll find a way that works best for you.  I would love to have you partner with me.  But if you don't feel led to give financially, don't.  I don't want anyone to feel obligated.  I simply hope to share my need and give you the opportunity to pray and ask God how you can be a part of it.

If you have any questions, if you would like more information, or if you just want to catch up, feel free to email me or leave me a comment.  I would love to answer any questions you have.  Thanks for reading all the way through.  You're awesome.